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Experts in the field of family giving suggest ways to make Giving Certificates
part of your family's philanthropy program.

Family rituals provide children with a sense of stability, continuity and identity.  When those traditions involve charitable giving, kids also receive a powerful lesson in compassion and community responsibility.Jenny Friedman, Executive Director, Doing Good Together

Charity Checks are a useful tool for parents and grandparents...Susan C. Price, Managing Director, Family Foundation Services, Council on Foundations

It's the whole notion of stewardship... You move out of yourself and into the wider community and start thinking about needs.David Lockhart (from the Los Angeles Times)

The bonds that are formed from family-initiated, family-planned giving are strong and life-long.Mary Coleman, Life Coach

Charity Checks also recommends

"A Kid's Guide to Giving,"

a "by kids, for kids" book

by Freddi Zeiler

"Charity Checks," "Giving Certificates," "The Giving Package," "Give the Joy of Giving," and "Teach the Joy of Giving" are trademarks, and "Charitable Literacy" and "Philanthropreneur" are servicemarks, of Charity Checks, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation.
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